PTFA (Parents, Teachers & Friends Association)
At Carlton Junior and Infant School, we value our parents and friends as co-educators and members of our school community who play a vital role in ensuring the success of the school. Children can only truly achieve their potential when school and home are closely linked and unified. Our past experiences have shown that parents and friends can support the school in many different ways impacting positively on the children, school and the community.
With this in mind, we would formally like to thank all those parents and friends who have continued to support Carlton Junior and Infant school through their hard work and dedication over many years.
Aims of the PTA
The aims of the PTA will be to continue to support the school in all areas ranging from supporting the children by bridging the gap between home and school and raising funds to continue to provide important resources and learning opportunities for all our wonderful children. If you would be interested in joining our wonderful PTA team please contact the school and put your name forward.