Carlton Junior and Infant School

Carlton Junior and Infant School

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Carlton Junior and Infant School, Upper Road, Dewsbury, WF13 2DQ

Shabana Hussain: 01924 325265

Year 1 Shoots

Welcome to Year One

Welcome to Shoots' class page


We are Miss Daley and Mrs Mahetar and we are the adults that will be working with you this year.

If you would like to get in touch with us in regards to any questions or queries that you may have, we will be more than happy to help! Please contact us on the following email address: 

Gallery 2024-2025

Autumn Term



In maths children have been using their 'hungry crocodiles' and multilink cubes to support our new topic greater than, less than and equal to.

.  Year 1 are very grateful to have received their own toothbrush and toothpaste from Colgate. We are very excited to use these and learn all about how to keep our teeth healthy and clean. 
Children really enjoyed working with the Bradford College students during their CIA day. 
We love celebrating everyone's achievements and birthdays. We celebrated a birthday this week with a cake and party games. 


As part of our Science unit children have been exploring different materials. Children sorted different objects based on their properties and type of material. 


History - Toys Through Time 

In our new History unit 'Toys Through Time' Year 1 participated in a toy carousel afternoon, where they showcased outstanding teamwork and communication  skills. 


Toys Through Time ! 

As part of our Topic 'Toys Through Time' we had a fun afternoon playing with a range of toys from different time periods. We had a class discussion about the different toys that we have and play with in school and at home. Children were then eager to find out what toys their parents played with when they were younger.

It seems the class favourite game was Jenga! 


Year 1 children are loving the opportunities for free reading, children have been exploring a wide variety of fiction and non-fiction books. At all available opportunities children in Shoots are encouraged to read a book in our calm and relaxed Reading Garden. 


Maths Manipulatives

 Children in Shoots have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. As a class children explored the classroom and other areas of school to see which 2D and 3D shapes they could find. We found lots of shapes around the classroom such as circles, cylinders, rectangles and spheres. 



In maths children have been exploring part whole models. Children used manipulatives to see that a whole group of objects can be composed of two or more parts.   



In maths children have been exploring less than, greater than and equal to. We have been using our "hungry crocodiles" and manipulatives to help us write expressions and understand which symbol to use.



During Mastering Number this week, children in shoots used rekenreks to subitise numbers to 10. This skill  supported children’s knowledge to develop number bonds to 5 and 10. Children used this resource exceptionally well to support their learning!

School Councillors 

    These are Shoots School Councillors, both children have been appointed by their follow peers. They will present their ideas in meetings and air their views about what they would like to change around the school and what they think works. We look forward to watching them blossom as school councillors


 Children in Shoots explored their springboard question "How can we change food materials in the kitchen?" We baked lots of biscuits and looked at how different ingredients changed when heated and cooled. During this lesson, we also used our maths skills to weigh and measure our ingredients. 


As part of our Science Topic 'Seasonal Changes', Year 1 explored the Forest School to see the changes that happen in nature during Autumn. The children learnt all about why leaves fall off trees and change colour. Children collected leaves and sticks from the forest school. As a class we discussed important events that happen during Autumn, this started our Harvest celebrations where Shoots created their own Harvest Tree.


Our budding artists have been refining their line drawing abilities to produce fantastic self-portraits during their art lesson. Children can't wait to develop their skills further! 


Children in Shoots were super excited to meet Antony Cotterill, the Paralympic wheelchair tennis player. He did some fun activities with us the in hall before hosting an assembly where we got to ask him some intriguing questions to find out all about his fantastic career.


Today, children immersed themselves into their new English topic traditional tales. Children received a mystery parcel from the wicked witch from the story Rapunzel. 

Black History Month

 As part of Black History Month children in Shoots learnt all about Rosa Parks and other famous women as part of our Black History Month theme 'Saluting Our Sisters.' In preparation for our Black History Month Showcase children created lots of fabulous work to present what they had learnt. Children became the experts in the showcase and shared their knowledge with parents, staff and peers! 

Lantern Workshop 

Shoots were very excited for our lantern workshop hosted by Tony. Children had lots of fun designing and making lanterns for the Diwali showcase assembly. 

Thank you Tony ! 

Bush Craft Club

Children loved making necklaces and bracelets during Bush Craft Club. In the forest school, children made lots of connections to their Science topic 'Seasonal Changes.' Children were able to explain why leaves fall from trees and change colour during Autumn. 

     Children in Year 1 put their senses to the test in their science lesson through investigating with their nose, eyes ears, taste buds and fingers. 
-  Our first trip of the year was to Eureka! Children in Shoots cannot wait to apply their knowledge from EUREKA! into their Maths, English, Science and Humanities units. 

In Art this half term, children have been using clay to create their African huts. Before we started to create them children manipulated clay by twisting, rolling, squeezing and stretching. As a class, we discussed how we will you the clay to create our designs.


National Story Telling Week

As part of National Story Telling Week, children in Shoots have been rehearsing their storytelling skills using puppets and focusing on retelling stories with expression!


Number Day 

Children in Year 1 are wearing numbers in support of NSPCC Number Day. Children have been challenging themselves in all sorts of mathematical ways. 



Year 1 had a fantastic day at Eureka. Children thoroughly enjoyed getting into role as bankers and postal workers. 


Shoots also had lots of fun in the Sense Science Show and sensory room. 

- Children in  Year 1 put their painting skills to the test, to interpret the work of Jackson Pollock. They explored mixing primary colours and practiced their skills using different sized brushes and natural resources. 

Humanities -Geography 

Year 1 used their maps skills to explore the locations of hot, cold and tropical climates. As a class, children discussed which countries they would like to visit and located these countries on the globe and on a map. 


Chinese New Year! 

To celebrate Chinese New Year, Year 1 enjoyed working with their parents/carers to create Chinese lanterns for our Chinese New Year Assembly. The lanterns looked fantastic in the parade and around the hall for decoration! 


During Art this half term, children have been designing  their own clay African huts. "My Dad inspired me to design this African hut because he has been to Africa and has shown me pictures on his phone." 


As part of one of our P4C lessons this week Year 1 answered the question "Should we care about the planet and the things we can't see?" to link with the World Thinking Day theme ' Our World, Our Thriving Future.'  Children debated this question giving reasons as to why they agree and disagree and used the globe to support their reasoning and explanations. 



This half term in maths, Year 1 have started to explore their 2s, 5s and 10 times tables. Children used a counting stick to support their step counting. Children also had a competition to see which group could order their 2, 5 and 10 times tables the quickest. We will continue to practice our times tables!


Science-Seasonal Changes

As part of our ongoing Science unit Seasonal Changes, children in Shoots have been exploring the direction wind. Children worked in small groups to blow bubbles and look at the direction in which they travel. Children noticed that all their bubbles travelled in the same direction. 

World Book Day 

To celebrate World Book Day Year 1 visited Dewsbury Library for  a workshop. Children loved visiting the library and said that their workshop was "fun" and "exciting." Children cannot wait to return to the library later in the year for more workshops and to read more books! 

British Science Week and World Wildlife Day

Year 1 had an exciting visit from Prickly Hedge Hedgehog Rescue Centre. Children had lots of discussions with Julia about the importance of protecting wildlife and learnt lots of interesting facts. Did you know that hedgehogs are short sighted? 



Year 1 went outside to the Forest School to build minibeast homes as part it their topic Animals Including Humans. Children are excited to see if any minibeasts have moved in! 



 As part of our Science unit Plants, children used the Forest School to identify different trees found there. Children used wax crayons to complete bark rubbings of different trees to describe their textures. They compared their bark rubbings with their peers and described tree trunks comparing the colour, thickness and types of  bark they found.  





Children created their own human features to display in the classroom. As a class, we explored the difference between a human feature and a physical feature. Children noticed that human features are made by people for example shops, factories, houses where as a physical features are natural for example a beaches, mountains and rivers.


During maths children in Year 1 have started the topic money.  Children have began to recognise the value of coins. Together the class explored different coins such as 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p, £1 and £2. Children matched the coin to the correct to the correct amount, putting them in order of value.



Children roleplayed shopkeepers to understand the value of money and recognsise different notes and coins. They were able to pay and give change give using their addition and subtraction facts. This allowed children to compare notes of different values, children recognised that they larger the size of the note, the higher the value.




Food Technology

Year 1 visited Lidl for World Trade Day and to purchase fruit for our new Food Technology Topic. 

After our visit Lidl, children made their own fruit salads. They practised their peeling, chopping and slicing skills. 





Children participated in multi skills games with North Kirklees Schools Sports Partnership. Children enjoyed practising their balancing, jumping throwing and catching. Year 1 are excited to continue building these skills. 

 Shakespeare Workshop 

Year 1 really enjoyed their Shakespeare workshop led by AS Creatives. Children began to act out different parts of a Midsummers Night Dream.

Gallery Archive 2022-2023 


World Poetry Day!

Year One have been working in small groups to write a poem to share on this day. We collaborated with Year Two and shared our poems about the environment. Some children went the EXTRA mile and brought in some poems from home and shared them with the rest of us! Fantastic performances all-round!

A visit from a witch!

Year One had received their first package. It was an anonymous envelope which included a spell book with a peculiar page bookmarked on the page titled, 'How to make a tower.' The children tried to cast a spell in order to make a tower however, nothing seemed to work. In the end the children used different resources to try and create tall, strong towers. They came up with some noun phrases that described their tower.

We are the Witch Hunters!

Year One have been analysing sets of instructions, looking carefully at their layout and vocabulary. They have collected their ideas together and planned their own set of instructions for how to capture the witch if she ever returns. They have come up with a few names that they would like to call themselves once their mission has been accomplished such as: the Witch Hunters, Witch Slayers, Witch Trappers, Witch Capturers, Witch Finders and many more!





Would you like a biscuit?

 In Maths, Year One have moved on to learning about our new topic - Addition and Subtraction. The children have been introduced to recognising parts and wholes of objects. We used a whole biscuit and split it into many different smaller parts. 

Comparing Numbers

In Maths, Year One have been learning to use the signs less than, more than and equal to. We have been using manipulatives such as cubes to help us. 


Bonding with Year One

Year One have been exploring their number bonds to ten. They were each given a balloon with a number written on it and they were to find a partner who held a matching number bond. As pairs, they have used manipulatives alongside their number sentences to deepen their concrete knowledge. 




No purple? No problem!

Year One have been experimenting with primary colours, mixing two colours together to find what new colours they can make. 



Properties of materials

 Year One have been learning about properties of different materials such as wood, metal, fabric, glass and plastic. They have been investigating everyday items to see what they are made from and the properties of those materials. The children took part in an experiment to find the materials that was best suited to make an umbrella from, to keep their teddy bears dry in the rain.


Black History Month

During the month of October, Year One have been learning about the stories of Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. We have read some well-known stories such as Elmer and The Rainbow Fish and explored the feeling of being different. They have participated discussions based around segregation and equality, created posters and fact files about Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. and worked collaboratively to create a bus. Some of the children were chosen to take part in an assembly to celebrate the importance of Black History Month.






A Trip to The Wild Rumpus!

Year One received an invitation this week to the Wild Rumpus from 'The Wild Things'. We received objects along with the invitation and the children were very inquisitive and made some interesting links! The children took part in a Wild Rumpus in the afternoon.


I'm a poet and I didn't even know it!

The children were highly surprised that exploring nouns, adjectives and verbs would allow them to create such interesting poems! They were given an image that they were familiar with and were asked to imagine themselves in that particular part of the story. They were asked to explore the five senses which we had already touched upon in science to help them generate ideas. They worked in pairs to write a poem using their sense mind map.



There's a new detective in town!

 Year One explored and discussed the purpose of random, given objects. They further went on to make links between them and came to the conclusion that all the objects belonged to a mysterious detective mouse.




"Reading Month!"

Year One have been very excited for World Book Day and have dressed up in some wonderful costumes!




 Year 1 had a fantastic time reading with Year 5. They also had the opportunity to listen to the older children read their favourite books


We are so proud of our Year One Book Worms! The love of reading really shines through our children! Amazing work contribution throughout ‘Reading Month’. Congratulations Superstars!







Did you know that we can use Egyptian methods in Maths?

 The children used Caleb Gattengo's method of place value to find the parts of a 2-digit number that made the whole number. They used their fingers to tap-dance across the hundred-square (instead of a Gattengo chart) to find relevant numbers. They were then asked to deepen their learning by creating a part-part-whole model to represent their tap-dancing moves.




Measuring Mayhem!
Year One explored objects within the classroom and accurately used a ruler to measure lengths and heights using centimetres!





Simon Says...touch your head!

Year One played 'Simon Says' to identify where their basic body parts were. The children had lots of fun drawing around their group members and labelling their body parts on paper. They were then asked to present their life-sized diagram to the class and explain the function of different body parts.


British science week 

Year 1 are using the values of collaboration & perseverance to design their own parachutes that they will be testing out this afternoon


Animal detectives 

Year One were absolutely thrilled to meet some new friends! The children got to feel and hold some animals that they had never seen before. 



Blubber gloves!

 Year One have been experimenting with vegetable fat and ice water to see the effect that blubber has on animals in the winter.




Living in Africa! 

Year One explored the differences between UK and African homes. We discussed the familiarities with UK homes and whether or not African homes would be similar or different. We looked closer at African homes and identified the differences and what materials are used to make African homes. Year One then had a go at creating their own homes in Africa.



...and now for the local weather report.

  In pairs, the children practised reporting on the weather to an audience. They reported on the climate of coastal and inner areas of Africa and the effects of dry, hot weather on the vegetation of the country.


All Hail The King!

Year One have a new monarchy! The children have thoroughly enjoyed assigning new rules to the public through their speeches as kings and queens.





As part of the multi-sports module in P.E., Year One have been practising their rugby throw-ins this week.



We’re going on an Easter Egg hunt…we’re going to find some big ones! Year One looked high and low and managed to find all of their Easter Eggs! They had a great time! Thank you Mr Gott!



Did you know that we have our very own dinosaur specialist in Year One?! Well done for remembering such long names and so many of them!




As part of the Art and Design Technology Curriculum, Year One have been using simple utensils to prepare food. They can’t wait to dig in to their chocolate Easter nests! Happy Easter from Year One.





Year One diving deep in discussion and making links between objects to figure out what their new English story book may be about.



Can you guess the missing multiples of 2? Year One have been learning to count in twos and recognise groups of twos including pairs of socks!



Year One are learning to play the ukulele this term. They absolutely loved strumming along to familiar notes and cannot wait to sharpen their skills!




Come and see which special plants grow in Year One’s garden! The children thoroughly enjoyed sharing their expert knowledge in naming the parts of plant and explaining their different functions!




Splash! Year One loved diving deep into the ocean and exploring new and existing facts about different sea creatures!


Phonics is Fun!

We have been practising our phonics in Year One. Here is a fun game that will help with sound recognition and blending. Please have fun accessing this via the link below.

Two sets of phonics packs have been sent out to all parents in Year One so that they may continue practising phonics and reading at home, in preparation for their Phonics Screening in May 2023.

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