Welcome to Year 2
Welcome to Stems' class page
We are Miss Hewitt, Mr Karolia & Mrs Boston and we are the adults that will be working with you this year.
If you would like to get in touch with us in regards to any questions or queries that you may have, we will be more than happy to help! Please contact us on the following email address:
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| In maths this half term, year two are focussing on place value. We have looked at partitioning numbers as well as tens and ones within a number. The children enjoyed a practical lesson of representing the tens and ones using the maths resources within the classroom. |
| In Reading for Meaning, the children have been reading and focussing on The Twits by Roald Dahl. This week, the children had the opportunity to 'hot seat' Mr Twit and ask him many questions. For example 'Why does Mrs Twit have a glass eye?' and 'Why are you always playing tricks?'. This was a perfect opportunity for the some children to take on the role of Mr Twit, using their drama skills with some even trying to change their voice. |
| In maths, children have moved onto look at number lines. This was a great opportunity to create a giant number line in the classroom for children to place 10's. The children thoroughly enjoyed the hands on experience with one saying 'This was the best maths lesson ever' |
| Year 2 Stems have thoroughly enjoyed using the dictionaries and thesaurus's this half term. The children like to find definitions of words and also look to find other words with the same meaning. The children are now using more ambition and challenging vocabulary, particularly in their writing. |
| In maths, we have continued to use resources to support our learning. We enjoy using the Rekenrek to support our addition and subtraction. |
| Our homework was to create posters to represent the 5 British Values. The children have then discussed in class how these British Values apply to their day to day lives and particularly how they apply to their classroom learning. The parent partnership on these posters was fantastic. |
| In English, the children were challenged to create their own poems using adjectives, verbs and nouns. The end result was incredible! |
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Gallery Archive 2023-2024
Pedagogy Pals
Our Year 2 Pedagogy Pals. We have chosen these children to be Pedagogy Pals, they have the special responsibility to help others in the classroom with their work. Each term children will have the opportunity to become a Pedagogy Pal.
Our School Councillors
These are the Year 2 stems School Council, both children have been appointed by their fellow class friends. They will speak up for year 2 in meetings and air their views about what they would like to change around the school and what they think works. We look forward to watching them blossom as school councillors.
Our reading area
In year 2 we are talking about the importance of reading and how it can encourage children to use a broader range of language as well and broadening their imaginations. At all available opportunities the children are encouraged to read a book and talk about their findings with their friends and peers.
Our reading area
This year we are excited to welcome back Mr Isaac for our amazing music lessons, so far we have started to learn how to play the Ukulele. The children have loved having the opportunity to play a new and interesting musical instrument. Over the next few weeks the children will learn how to play parts of familiar songs and sing the lyrics.
Together, we have started learning about part part whole models and how numbers can be represented i a variety of ways. Children are becoming confident at working out the number sums and will continue to grow in their mathematical knowledge.
In our literacy lessons we have started to learn about a circular narrative and what this means by dissecting the story into different stages and identifying the correct names used. We will write our own circular narrative in our English books and children will have the opportunity to read amazing stories to the class.
Jeans for genes day
Today all children and staff at Carlton were invited to wear jeans for a charity who concentrate on people with genetic conditions. During the day we have discussed the importance of charity and how our money will help the people who have genetic conditions.
Staff appreciation
Today we have looked at staff appreciation when a child brought a very thoughtful picture and note given to the staff in Year 2. We love receiving the special notes from the children.
Mastering Maths
The children have been completing daily maths tasks using maths mastery, they are beginning to have solid knowledge of numbers 1 to 20 and will continue to develop skills to work our maths sums easily in their heads. By the end of year 2 our aim is to have all children feeling confident using numbers 1 to 20.
Lexia Training
Our Year 2 children have been accessing Lexia to improve reading and develop reading skills. This will continue for the children throughout the whole of year 2.
Our worry monster
In Year 2 we have been using the worry monster to share our worries and feelings. We know that our voices will always be heard by an adult.
Our amazing stories
Children in Year 2 have been redrafting and publishing their circular narratives based on the river story. The stories they have created are amazing!
Mental Health Day
We know how to express ourselves. We use the meet and great every morning to help our adults to recognise how we are feeling in the morning. We then know we can speak to the teachers in our class if we have any worries.
Remembrance Day 2023
The year 2 children have planted poppies to honour Remembrance Day, we discussed what the poppies symbolised and how they make us feel. We focused on how we can help the help for heroes charity and most children bought a poppy to respect the fallen soldiers.
Our Remembrance Day Walk
Some children were selected to go for a walk down into Dewsbury town centre to the memorial site to lay a reef we had made earlier in the week. The children really enjoyed walking into Dewsbury and laying the reef as a sign of respect.
Sea Life centre
All of the year 2 children and staff visited the amazing sea life centre in Manchester. The children were amazed at what they saw, they saw sharks swimming above their heads and huge sting rays. They learnt interesting facts about the creatures and even touched a star fish!
Sport Camp
Today, our year 2 children competed in a Sports Hall Athletics Festival held by @SGNKssp . We practiced different athletic skills such as a shuttle runs, javelin, speed jump and many more!
Science Experiment
In science this half term we are focusing on materials and which material would be best for different situations. In this lesson we predicted which material we thought would make the car go the furthest. We used paper, metal, plastic and wood. Each child had the opportunity to roll the car down the selected ramp and see which one went the furthest. Well done to the children who predicted wood would make the car go the furthest.
3D shape sorting
We have been focusing on 3d shapes and heir different properties such as faces, vertices and edges. Once the children were confident with the properties we then sorted them into different categories.
Our Music Lessons
This half term we are focusing on how to play the xylophone. The children in year 2 loved learning this new skill and played Mary had a Little Lamb in front of the class.
Great Fire Of London
Our topic lessons are all around The Great Firfe of London we are finding out about why the fire started and looking at the differences between then and now. Some children have made models representing the Great Fire of London, if your child would like to contribute please feel free to bring it into school.
Our writing skills
In year 2 we are focusing on our writing skills, making sure our hand writing is the best it can be. All children have tried extremely hard to improve their handwriting.
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| Portugal: our country of the term Children in Year two had a fun morning learning about Portugal! We wrote fact files, ate pasties and painted the national symbol of Portugal! |
National word search day Today was national word search day, the children completed word searches about our topic we are learning about. The children had lots of fun and was competing to see who could complete them the fastest. | |
Forget me not charity day Today we raised money for the charity Forget me not children's hospice. We came in purple clothes to represent the charity and also raised lots of money from them. We spoke about the importance of charity work. |
| Our bird feeders Today was world thinking day, some of the Year 2 children went to visit our forest school and planted some trees with an external company. The other children used recycled items to make bird feeders for the forest school. We spoke about sustainability and how we can take care of our world and those around us. |
| Mental Health Day We have been celebrating Mental Health Week at Carlton and today Year 2 had a visitor from the NHS mental health team talking to them about how mental health can affect us and those around us. We then made our own worry monsters to take home! |
| Charles Dickens Day Children in Year 2 enjoyed writing a fact file all about Charles Dickens to celebrate Charles Dickens day! |
Chinese New Year Thank you to all the parents who attended our Chinese New Year assembly featuring the dancing dragon! | |
Mental Health Week Children in Year 2 have started off their Mental Health Week by writing about all the moments that have made them proud! | |
| NSPCC number day Children in Year 2 have been celebrating the NSPCC number day to raise funds by wearing clothes with numbers on them. |
Our titanic models
Year 2 children have done an absolutely terrific job at creating their own 3d models of the Titanic for homework!
Eid party
Year two have thoroughly enjoyed their Eid party this afternoon where they danced and celebrated friendship
Earth Day 2024
Today was Earth day in year 2, we have created models with plastic bottles and other recycled materials. We also spoke about the ways we can help our planet and what us an individuals can change on a daily basis.
Our clay po
In art this term we have created a clay pot we used different techniques and patterns to make our pot unique, we then painted them using acrylic paint.
Gallery Archive 2022-2023
In maths we looked at tens and ones. we looked at pictorial representations of different types of manipulatives carefully. we were able to quickly see how tens were represented.
Our amazing music teacher Mr Isaacs taught us the dynamics of how to sing a song. We looked at the tempo of the song we have been learning. We are learning the Let it go song from the film Frozen.
On National Poetry Day the theme was all about the environment. We wrote some fantastic poems about our environment and how to keep it safe and clean. We also wrote poems about the wonderful season autumn!
In P.E we are learning how to skip. We have tried so hard this week and we are almost there. We just have to remember to jump over the skipping rope. We had lots of fun!
In year 2 we celebrated Diwali. We had an amazing time, we learnt the story of Rama, Raavan and Sita. We are so grateful that Mrs Handa came into our class and celebrated Diwali with us.
In Science we performed an experiment testing the suitability of which material is the best for a toy bus to travel the furthest. We had a hypothesis, a prediction, results and finally a conclusion. We made some very good predictions.
We had the pleasure of having Satnam in our class to teach us a Hindi song. The children really enjoyed learning a Hindi song. They understood the meaning of the song Kis ne banaya phoolon ko.
Well done year 2!! Our class took part in a sports event, and they did extremely well!!!
The children performed excellently in this years Nativity performance. Their amazing acting skills were greatly appreciated by everyone.
WE are so so proud of them!
We had a very special visit from Santa. The children were so excited to see him and receive gifts from him.
Spring 2023
In music we looked at the different notes used in music. We created our own music and then we played it to the rest of the class.
During our phonics lesson we were writing our own newspaper report, We spoke about the features in a newspaper report
and we wrote our own.
This term in music we are looking at percussion instruments. Children used the beaters to make music.
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