Welcome to Year Three
Welcome to Leave's class page
We are Miss Vardalia & Mrs Wood and we are the adults that will be working with you this year.
If you would like to get in touch with us in regards to any questions or queries that you may have, we will be more than happy to help! Please contact us on the following email address:
Gallery 2024-2025
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Mitzvah Tree Children in Year 3 have been exploring the importance of mitzvah; showing kindness to others. For every good action children recognise, we add a heart shaped leaf to our mitzvah tree. |
National Story Telling Week As part of national story telling week, children had the opportunity to participate in an online workshop with famous authors who helped them to write their own stories. Children in Year 3 enjoyed Tọlá Okogwu’s storytelling workshop. |
Chinese New Year To celebrate Chinese New Year, children in Year 3 practised writing in Chinese. Additionally, Year 3 wrote a class poem about the 'Year of the Snake'. This was performed to the school during our whole school assembly. |
Australia Day To celebrate Australia Day in Year 3, children created informative posters about the Australian flag and the significance of the kangaroo. |
Maths To practise using a ruler and measuring lengths, Year 3 created 3D rainbows. |
English Year 3 have begun reading 'The Rhythm of the Rain' written by Grahame Baker-Smith. Our pedagogy palls did a spectacular job reading the book to the class, ensuring everyone understood the key vocabulary within the text. |
New Year Goals To begin the new year, children in Year 3 have set themselves ambitious targets and goals for the year ahead. |
Healthy Eating! To introduce our new science topic, animals including humans, children tried a range of fruits and discussed the importance of nutrition. |
Design and Technology Year 3 have been focusing on the work of Joan Miro. We created our own miniature sculptures based on his style of work. |
Trip to Magna This term, Year 3 had the opportunity to visit Magna. Children used maps to navigate around the four pavilions; Air, Earth, Fire and Water. Children were amazed by the fire tornado and explored how natural activity can change landscapes. Additionally, Year 3 attended a forces workshop at Magna. Children were able to investigate and explore the power of forces using water, fire, rockets and water cannons! | |
Visitors from Gambia We have loved reading One Plastic Bag as part of our Reading for Meaning lessons this half term. Children took to the hot seat to proudly represent the recycling women of Gambia who turned plastic bags into purses. We learned a lot about their experiences and the importance of recycling to keep our environment clean. Everyone felt very inspired by the true story of Isatou Ceesay.
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Music fun! Children in Year 3 are enjoying their music lessons this half term; learning how to play the glockenspiel. Children have been busy practising how to hold their glockenspiel beaters correctly. Children have been playing different rhythms and following along a single line stave notation. | |
English This term, children in Year 3 have been reading the fable story, Fox. Children have been inferring meaning from the text using illustrations to explore characters appearance and thoughts. Children have been using to range of expanded noun phrases and conjunctions to further expand their ideas. Children will be writing their own fable narratives to retell the story this half term. Year 3 have also been doing character building activities in their lessons to help us imagine the feelings and actions of the characters we are studying. Here we can be seen forming a conscience alley for our main character to walk through. Children from each side gave the character arguments for and against the point. | |
Library Adventure journey Year 3 have begun their Library Adventure journey. Children used their imagination to design their very own book activities, book covers and spooky characters. We thoroughly enjoyed our visit to Dewsbury Library. | |
Remembrance Day To celebrate Remembrance Day, Year 3 wrote acrostic poems to explain what remembrance day means to them. Children also visited Dewsbury Town Centre Memorial Garden to remember all those we have lost. | |
Diwali dance! Diwali is known as the festive of light. In this year's Diwali assembly, Year 3 performed a spectacular dance to highlight the importance of celebrating others through respect and collaboration. | |
Next half term, children will begin to explore the topic of Our Changing World. The activities aim to extend children’s knowledge on this topic. Please ensure that your child is selecting at least three of these activities to complete over the holidays. Highlighted tasks are part of the Carlton Graduate Programme and will be judged for prizes. Parents and carers are allowed to support their children with these activities. Practicing their 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables will also be beneficial for your child. Please encourage your child to log in to TT Rock Stars to help them with this. We are excited to see the amazing pieces of work that your child will create. | |
International Artist Day! Year 3 got inventive crafting their artist outfits. Children were inspired by Van Gogh, Frida Kahlo and themselves because everyone is an artist! Year 3's artist for the day was Felrath Hines. Children researched and recreated his artwork using watercolour paints and wax crayons. | |
The Iron Man Children in Year 3 are thoroughly engaged with the book 'The Iron Man' written by Ted Hughes. Children are confidently taking turns to read the book with expression and are enthusiastically incorporating drama to enhance the vibrancy of illustrations from the book. We love making great use of our classroom's reading corner! | |
Black History Month Showcase! This year’s theme of “Reclaiming Narratives” marks a significant shift towards using authentic black voices to shine a brighter light on real stories, allegories and history, while correcting inaccurate narratives of black history and culture. Our class focus for Black History Month was Phillis Wheatley; an African-American poet who was one of the first to have her work acknowledged and published. Year 3's Black History Month Showcase was spectacular! A fantastic effort from all the children and parents. | |
English Children in Year 3 have been fascinated by the book 'The Iron Man' written by Ted Hughes. Children have used their creative writing skills to write their own narratives about a potential threat coming to Earth! Children have successfully used a range of noun phrases, fronted adverbials and similes in their writing. Moreover, Year 3 have used their imagination to plan a trap to capture the dangerous Iron Man. Children have written a clear explanation text to the Town Mayor detailing exactly what needs to be done to protect us all from the Iron Man! | |
Stone Age to the Iron Age To celebrate the end of our Iron Age topic, we studied jewellery and ornaments from the era. Children designed their own brooches using crosses, spirals, knots and swirls. Children then created their own 3D version using clay. | |
Reading for Meaning As a class, we have enjoyed reading two books this half term; Gregory Cool and Stone Age Boy during our Reading for Meaning lessons. Children have developed their vocabulary, reading comprehension and drama skills. Year 3 have been fantastic at role playing the different characters in the books, having fun freeze-framing key events from the stories. | |
Black History Month Inspired by Black Lives Matter and Black History Month, there is a new campaign for Black History Month 2024 called “Reclaiming Narratives”. This year’s Black History Month in October is more important than ever. It’s not just a month to celebrate the continued achievements and contributions of Black people to the UK and around the world. It’s also a time for continued action to tackle racism, reclaim Black history, and ensure Black history is represented and celebrated all year round. To celebrate the start of Black History Month, Year 3 recreated artwork inspired by Loïs Mailou Jones. Loïs Mailou Jones was an African-American artist and educator. Children enjoyed studying her artwork, exploring her abstract style and use of geometric shapes. | |
Staying Healthy! Children in Year 3 enjoyed the fantastic workshop delivered by the Health and Wellbeing Academy from the University of Huddersfield. Children in Year 3 explored the benefits of healthy eating, staying active and the importance of good sleeping habits. Children were surprised by the amount of sugar found in some of their favourite foods! | |
History Year 3 travelled back in time to the Stone Age as we transformed the classroom into a cave. Children created their own cave art using clay and included symbols that were found in caves from 13000 BC.
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Science Year 3 have been experimenting with different materials in our science lessons to see which materials are magnetic and which are not. To our surprise, we discovered that a £1 coin is in fact not magnetic! Children in Year 3 have also been busy planning and conducting a range of experiments to investigate which magnet is the strongest. Children have had fun using different magnets and were amazed to feel the force of magnets repelling.
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Bushcraft! Year 3 enjoyed the afternoon outside; exploring the school grounds and visiting the forest school. Children enhanced their understanding of the world around them by examining the seasonal changes Autumn presents. Children celebrated the season of Autumn by creating leaf rubbings using the leaves they collected on their walk. | |
Maths In maths, we have have been using different concrete resources to help us partition numbers into hundreds, tens and ones. Children used a range of resources such as, tens frames, counters and dienes to support their learning. Children have been using these resources to add and subtract numbers. | |
First Aid Ready! Year 3 had a fantastic morning learning all about how to respond to first aid emergencies. Children learnt how to effectively assess first aid situations using the DR ABC method.
D - Danger R - Response
A - Airway B - Breathing C - Circulation |
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- Children created Iron Age broaches to celebrate the end of their learning around Prehistory. We first planned how our broaches would look and incorporated swirls, knots and symmetry to make them look as realistic as possible
- -Our inspirational Headteacher came in to our classroom and showed us all a video of her being an awarded an MBE! Everyone in year 3 now aspires to be awarded an MBE. We know we must work hard and also go the extra mile to be noticed for such a prestigious title.
- As part of World Thinking Day, year 3 researched all about air pollution. We looked at what air pollution was and how it affects the atmosphere, people and animals.
- In Science, year 3 have been looking at the human body. We focused on the muscles in our arms and created a simple model using strips of card, string and split pins to show how the muscle contracts and relaxes as the bones move.
- Year 3 conducted an experiment to investigate if the length of our legs affected how far we were able to jump. We concluded that the longer legs we have, the further we are able to jump.
- Take a look at some of the fantastic work the year 3 children have produced for their holiday homework. In our Science lessons, we will now be focusing on Plants.
- Year 3 have been focusing on the work of Joan Miro. We created our own miniature sculptures based on his style of work.
- In English, year 3 will be writing a return narrative. To help us with this, we have been focusing on the book 'Jemmy Button'. Here, we stepped inside some of the illustrations from the book and brought them to life through the use of drama.
- Year 3 are taking part in the Carry My Story project. We have linked with a local school and completed work surrounding our identity. We then had a zoom meeting with our partner school so we could see each other and ask and answer questions about ourselves and our school.
- As part of Reading Month, year 3 had the opportunity to travel onboard the Bradford Literacy Bus. Imran read a snippet of The Little Badman to us by Humza Arshad and we then drew an image of the main character based on the description from the text.
- In Science, year 3 have been learning all about plants. We dissected a plant and looked at the different parts of the plant and the role that each part plays.
- Take a look at some of our fantastic World Book Day costumes. Year 3 dressed up as some of their favourite book characters and took part in various activities throughout the day.
- In English, children have been focusing on the book 'Jemmy Button'. We are looking at writing our own return narrative. Here we are summarising the story through the use of a storyboard.
- Children took part in a 'Find the Pharaoh' activity where they studied the lives of many different Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs. We looked at the different pharaoh cards and then wrote important information about them onto our worksheets.
- Year 3 had a very exciting morning and joined a webinar with famous children laureate, Joseph Coelho. We were able to ask him questions about writing and he shared many tips with us on how to become successful writers.
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Gallery Archive 2022-2023
Season Calendars
Year 3 have been creating their very own 4 seasons calendars using water colours and acrylics. We're very proud of how they have turned out.
Stone Age Cave Art
As part of our Stone Age learning, year 3 have been creating Stone Age cave art using clay. We have also been drawing underneath our tables with the lights off to imitate the inside of a cave.
Lets Rock!
For our new science topic, year 3 are studying all about rocks. We looked at different types of rocks such as basalt, marble and sandstone closely using a microscope.
Stone Age Architecture
Year 3 have spent a lot of time over the holidays creating some stunning 3D models of Stone Age homes. The children have used natural resources to make the homes as realistic as possible. What a fantastic start to our new History topic.
Autumn 2 Holiday Homework
Sir Mo Farah
Year 3 have been studying and celebrating the achievements of Sir Mo Farah as part of our Black History Month celebrations. We learnt that he was originally from Somalia and he could speak no English when he first arrived in the UK. We also had lots of fun doing the mobot which is Sir Mo Farah's victory pose.
Year 3's Freedom Quilt
We have been working hard to piece together our very own freedom quilt. This was part of our Black History Month celebrations. Did you know that freedom quilts were placed in underground railway stations and included hidden messages for slaves to direct them to freedom?
Harvest Celebrations
To celebrate harvest, year 3 made a delicious carrot cake. We then wrote up a step by step recipe explaining the method in detail. Our favourite part was definitely eating the cake!
Counter Crazy
Year 3 have been using concrete apparatus to consolidate our learning of crossing 1s and 10s.
World Poetry Day
Take a look at some of the fantastic poems that year 3 have brought in to share with teh rest of their class and with some of the year 4s. We had lots of fun performing our poems to each other
Is it magnetic?
During our science lessons, year 3 have been exploring materials that are magnetic. Through a simple science experiment using different materials, a magnet and some sand, we have discovered that not all metals are magnetic.
Meet our Pals
Our pals each have an important role in our classroom. Our pedagogy pal is more than happy to help anyone who needs a little support with their work. Our planet pal has the important task of making sure year 3 are doing everything they can to help save our planet and our peace pal is there to lift anyone's spirit when needed. Well done for securing such important roles.
Excuse me, coming through with the goods!
A huge thank you to one of our extremely generous year 3 students who spent so long baking lots of cakes and biscuits for the McMillan coffee morning. Well done for demonstrating the values of kindness and responsibility so well.
First aid training
Year 3 have been learning how to save lives through their first aid training. We had plenty of fun bandaging each other up, checking for a pulse and learning how to put someone into the recovery position. Learning essential skills through fun and play.
Things we have in common
celebrating the simple things we have in common for our P4C lesson. Year 3 have been exploring the simple similarities we have with our friends.
Welcome back to year three!
3D Pyramid Models
Only a small sample of some of the excellent 3D models of pyramids created by the children using a wide range of different materials including pineapple cubes! How inventive!
Coronation Celebrations
Children in year 3 have created a timeline to showcase the main events of King Charles's life. We created our own pieces of artwork which included a collage to which represented all things British.
Mummifying Process
Bringing the ancient world into the classroom, Year 3 students were practicing their mummification skills on each other. The next best thing to linen strips.... toilet roll!
Reading in the Park
The whole class had a lovely, relaxing time, spending an afternoon reading at the local park.
Scary Story Campfire
Students from year 3 enjoyed their scary story campfire night along with their hot chocolate and teddies.
Yorkshire Wildlife Park
Its been al about animals this week as year 3 have had another fun filled day in the Yorkshire Wildlife Park. It was an amazing experience for everyone being able to see so many wild animals up close. The entire day was jam packed with adventure and admiration.
Visit from the Wild Side
Carrying on the theme of Science, year 3 were able to hold and pet some reptiles along with some other furry animals. It was quite scary but everyone was very brave.
British Science Week
Year 3 had a visit from a very special guest from Batley Girls High School. As part of British Science Week, Mr. Akhtar helped us to create our very own parachutes using plastic bags and string. This was to help us to understand how forces work.
The Nothing to see Here Hotel
Wally, Witch, Mary and Woody welcome you all to the nothing to see here hotel. Year 3 has transformed into a magical hotel which hosts monsters only, no humans allowed! Enter our classroom at your own risk...
Stems, Leaves, petals and Bees!
As part of their new science learning focusing on plants, students have created 3D models of plants using many different resources.
Drum Roll Please...
For music this half term, children have been exploring samba music. We are learning how to play different types of drums with the help of our music teacher.
Boxing Club
Children in year 3 and 4 have had their first boxing lesson today. The students were extremely excited and eager to learn.
Charity Eid Cards
Children in year 3 have been designing their own Eid cards in an attempt to raise money for the victims of the earthquakes
This half term, year 3 have been learning how to play simple melodies on the glockenspiel.
Reading Corner Sanctuary
Children in year 3 have been enjoying their peaceful reading corner and enjoying some time escaping to a different world.
Measuring Perimeter
To practice measuring perimeters, year 3 have been taking part in a hunt for shapes around the classroom. In groups, we have been using rulers and metre sticks to measure the perimeter of different shapes that we found.
Sculpture making inspired by Joan Miro
In Art, year 3 have been studying the artist, Joan Miro. We have been looking at his style of art and and the idea of surrealism. To celebrate his work, we sketched out what we wanted our sculptures to look like and then moulded them using sticks and plasticine.
Does height determine how far we can jump?
In maths, year 3 have been looking at different units of measure such as m, cm and mm. We conducted an experiment to see if our height effected how far we were able to jump. This was a fun way of helping us to measure accurately using a metre stick
Chinese New Year Celebrations
As part of our Chinese New Year celebrations, year three have created Chinese lanterns using Papier-mâché. Lanterns in China signify letting go of the past and embracing the blessings that come with the new year. We had a fantastic time covering our balloons (and our tables in the process) in PVA glue and then decorating our beautiful lanterns in the traditional colours of red and gold.
This term, year 3 have been receiving special dance lessons focusing on ballet. This will help our co- ordination and our collaboration skills.
Rainbow making- Length and Perimeter
To kick start our learning on Length and Perimeter, year 3 have been creating rainbows using coloured strips of paper, measuring each one to a different length and then stapling the edges together. This activity has definitely helped us with understanding how to use a ruler efficiently.
Sticks, shapes and remainders
As part of our maths learning on multiplication and division, year 3 have been using sticks to help them work out two digit numbers divided by one digit numbers that leave a remainder.
Students are beginning to explore the style of using Papier-mâché to create models in art. Take a look at some of the amazing pieces created by some of our students as part of their homework.
Rhythm of the Rain
As part of our new English topic this half term, year 3 have been studying the book 'The Rhythm of the Rain'. We took our time reading the entire book, stopped to discuss ideas and illustrations and discussed the journey that one small jar of water can take.
Summer Term
Knot in a Rope
Do you know the secret to tying a knot in a skipping rope? Sounds easy doesn't it? It isn't easy when you cant let either ends of the rope go! Year 3 once again found themselves in the middle of a difficult task. We now know that all you need to do is fold your arms before picking the rope up of course!
Egyptian Death Masks
Bringing our learning on Ancient Egypt to an end, year 3 have created these amazing death masks to replicate the ones used by Egyptian Pharaohs.
Pen Pals
We have teamed up with Hade Edge Primary school and are currently responding to the letters that our new friends have sent us. We're very excited to meet our new friends at the start of the next month.
Don't let go!
One of our P4C tasks was to form a circle and circulate a hula hoop without letting go of our neighbor's hands. It was a pretty tough task but with some collaboration and determination, we got there in the end.
Children in year 3 did an amazing job creating these origami hearts by following a set of instructions. Our Country of the Term is also Japan!