Carlton Junior and Infant School

Carlton Junior and Infant School

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Dream - Aspire - Achieve Beyond Excellence

Carlton Junior and Infant School, Upper Road, Dewsbury, WF13 2DQ

Shabana Hussain: 01924 325265

School Ready Program

School Ready Program

What is the School Ready Programme?

 Our School Ready Programme is designed to prepare our new Reception children for starting school in September. The sessions run for four weeks and provide the ideal environment to support the children through their transition from home or other childcare settings, into the school environment which is far more structured than any other form of prior childcare.  By attending these sessions the children will have an increased chance of settling well into school life, equipped with the social and emotional skills necessary to be ‘school ready.’


What happens during the School Ready Programme?

Parents and the children who will be our new starters are given the opportunity to attend fun and exciting workshops at Carlton which enables them to familiarise themselves with their new school environment and begin to build relationships with the staff at Carlton. The Reception team also carry out home visits and setting visits to get to know children better and form positive relationships.

When does the School Ready Programme Start?

This year our School Ready Programme will start in June 2024. Future parents and children will be notified and letters will be sent out inviting them to come and attend these fun and exciting sessions.

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